Frequently Asked Questions about Palm Cove Psychology Group

If you cannot find what you’re looking for in our FAQs or you don’t know what to ask, then contact us to find out how we can help.

+ What is a Psychoeducational or Psychological Evaluation?

These are terms used to describe comprehensive evaluations, which help identify a full range of capabilities and characteristics that impact cognition, learning, behavior, and emotions. The purpose of an evaluation is often to offer clarity about a diagnosis, to more fully understand cognitive, learning or emotional qualities, and to provide direction for treatment planning. These evaluations also serve as a “baseline” measure from which to compare future performance and functioning. This can be helpful to determine if improvements have been made after initiating interventions and accommodations. Though some use the terms “psychoeducational evaluations” and “psychological evaluations” interchangeably, a few distinctions can be made.

Psychoeducational Evaluations are typically used to assess cognition, learning, memory, attention, executive functioning, and social and interpersonal functioning. They assist with identifying learning strengths and weaknesses, help us to better understand behavioral tendencies and offer clarity about a learning disorder or diagnosis. They also assist with determining appropriate accommodations and guiding treatment and intervention decisions.

Psychological Evaluations focus on personality and behavioral characteristics. These types of evaluations may be used to clarify an emotional health diagnosis or identify the presence of certain personality tendencies. For example, a psychological evaluation may help identify symptoms of depression, anxiety or OCD, or distinguish between diagnoses such as depression and bipolar disorder. These types of psychological evaluations can also be helpful when creating a treatment plan for individual therapy or for medication management.

+ What happens during an assessment?

A full assessment provided by Palm Cove Psychology Group is a multi-step process that evaluates how a client thinks, learns, feels, and behaves:

Step 1: A clinical interview is conducted with the family and child to gather information about the child’s history. The discussion includes developmental, health, family, social, emotional, behavioral, and academic history that may help to shed light on the development of current concerns.

Step 2: Specific procedures and tests are selected based on the referral questions and the information gathered from the clinical interview.

Step 3 (as applicable): A review of previous assessments, observations, and consultations with other professionals can be conducted to make sure no other findings are overlooked.

Step 4: The actual testing portion of the assessment includes various standardized tests and activities to gain understanding of general intellectual ability, language, memory and learning, problem-solving, planning and organization, attention and concentration, fine motor skills, visual-spatial skills, academic skills, and emotion and behavior. Usually these tests and activities are a combination of one-on-one questions and answers, as well as tasks involving pencil and paper, puzzles, drawing, and games.

Step 5: A written report detailing the assessment process and findings is prepared and reviewed with you and your child, or as appropriate, with other treating professionals and educators.

+ How can I explain the evaluation process to my child?

The process of undergoing any type of testing or evaluation can be overwhelming, or even scary, for some children. Parents frequently ask what they can do to help prepare their child for an evaluation.

It is beneficial to start the discussion a few days before testing. This allows the child time to process the information and come up with questions. The goal is for the child to be informed and feel comfortable with the process and what to expect.

Below are some helpful conversation starters:

  • We want to know more about how your brain works! Everyone has learning strengths and weaknesses and we are interested in learning what things are easy for you and what creates more challenge. (Feel free to share with your child your personal strengths or weaknesses. This helps normalize their thoughts, especially if they are aware of their areas of the challenge.)
  • We want to know more about how you think and feel about things. It’s okay to feel sad, nervous, angry or frustrated. Talking about thoughts and feelings is helpful and can help us find out the best ways to support you.
  • During your time at Palm Cove Psychology Group, you will be doing many different things. Some of the tasks will feel like games or puzzles and others may feel like quizzes that you would take in school. There are some computer-based tests and a few questionnaires and survey worksheets, where you will be asked to answer questions about your thoughts and feelings.
  • Nothing is “graded” like in school. Just do your best work. We want to learn more about how you think and feel and find out what is easy for you and what tasks might be more challenging for you.
  • You can ask questions or take a break at any time! There are snacks and water in the office and a prize bin where you can choose a toy at the end of each session.

Lastly, ensure that your child understands that our office is a safe space to talk about their thoughts and emotions. The more that they can open up and share, the better we can establish areas of concern and identify the most appropriate interventions and accommodations.

+ How can I prepare my child for the testing appointments?

If your child appears nervous prior to testing, validate his or her emotions and assure her or him that the process is similar to working with a teacher or tutor. Remind your child that they will not be graded on their performance and that they should focus on trying to do their best work.

General pre-testing guidelines:

  • Promote a good night’s sleep the night before testing.
  • Provide your child with a healthy breakfast the morning of testing (including protein).
  • Bring your child’s reading glasses, if needed.
  • Have your child take all medication as prescribed, unless Dr. Hanley instructs otherwise.
  • If your child has specific questions about why he or she is being evaluated, explain that testing helps us learn more about how people think and learn. The process can identify strengths and weaknesses and even help others, such as our teachers, teach us more effectively.

Typically, parents are not present during testing. If your child is extremely nervous, parents may stay for a portion of testing, easing the transition and allowing for the child to feel more comfortable.

+ What are your fees?

Palm Cove Psychology Group does the utmost to provide quality psychological testing and assessment that is affordable for our clients. Psychological testing involves administration, scoring, and interpretation of tests. We prepare a written report and provide a verbal feedback session with regards to the test findings and recommendations. Although testing may only take a few hours with you or your child, we will be communicating with you, your child, teachers, therapists, psychiatrists, etc., and will take time to prepare and evaluate a customized evaluation for each individual. Fees will range based on the type of evaluation (brief or full) and depend on the needs of the case. This typically ranges from $600-$2,500.

We will be happy to answer your questions or help you better understand the potential costs. If you have questions about your payment or financial options, please contact us.

+ Do you accept insurance?

In-network: Palm Cove Psychology Group is an in-network provider for Cigna, BlueCross BlueShield (Florida Blue), and United Healthcare. We do not participate with Medicaid or Medicare.

Please note that most insurance companies do not cover psychoeducational evaluations for developmental delays (e.g., ADHD) or learning issues (e.g., dyslexia), as they deem these services “educational.” Insurance companies only pay for things that are “medically necessary.” However, Palm Cove Psychology Group will attempt to work with your health insurance company to obtain authorization(s) to cover testing and assessment fees; however, payment for all testing and evaluation services are ultimately the responsibility of the respective guarantor (i.e., adult, parent, guardian, etc.). Please check your benefits with your insurance company.

+ What if I cannot afford the costs of an assessment?

It is important to note that psychoeducational testing is available to all school-aged children and adolescents, free of charge, through their public home school. Many public schools will not accept a private psychologist report; thus, it is recommended that you speak to your school prior to having testing completed privately. However, parents should be aware that school psychologists and other school personnel interpret test results primarily for the purposes of determining eligibility for special education. Furthermore, their training may be limited in scope and they may not have the available time or resources to provide a complete assessment battery in the school setting. Thus, school psychologists and other school personnel will be able to evaluate some, but not all of the information available and may not be able to provide you with a full, and perhaps, truly accurate picture of your child/adolescent.

+ If I am divorced, does my ex-partner need to be involved?

Parents with joint legal custody have equal rights in consenting to medical treatment, unless otherwise noted in a custody or divorce decree. For many reasons, it is absolutely critical that both parents agree that psychological assessment is appropriate and that both parents agree on the provider conducting the evaluation. At times, parents who are involved in divorce or custody disputes have difficulty maintaining an appropriate decorum in the waiting room, clinic office, or therapist office. Out of concern for your child, Palm Cove Psychology Group will extend an invitation to have both parties contribute to the intake process, provide input through separate interviews, and provide two separate test feedback sessions. An additional fee of $200 will apply.